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VSPM Academy of Higher Education

Mahatma Gandhi Arts &
Commerce College

Parseoni, Dist. Nagpur - 441105

M.A. Sociology I to IV Sem. Subject List

M.A. Sociology I Sem. Subject

  1. Classical Sociologcal Thiking 3
  2. Quantitative Method in Social Research
  3. Sociology of Social Movement
  4. Social Problem in Contemporary India

M.A. Sociology II Sem. Subject

  1. Classical Theoretical Foundations
  2. Qualitative Methods in Social Research
  3. Social Movements in India
  4. Industry And Society in India

M.A. Sociology III Sem. Subject

  1. Orientations in Sociological Theory
  2. Sociology of Change And Development
  3. Globalization And Society
  4. Rural Society in India

M.A. Sociology IV Sem. Subject

  1. Recent Trends in Sociological Theory
  2. Prerespectives on Indian Society
  3. Education And Society in India
  4. Rural Society in India : Issues And Problems